Our Unified Curriculum

Our Unified Curriculum

Nirvana Academy of Violin takes great pride in its comprehensive unified curriculum, which is designed to benefit all students, both within and outside of our violin academy.

But what exactly is a Unified Curriculum?

In this approach, students at every level follow the same structured curriculum week by week, mirroring the way they learn in the K12 education system. Weekly assignments and instructional videos are meticulously planned and conveniently accessible through our Google Classrooms.

After immersing themselves in the same material for 4-5 weeks, all students come together once a month for a captivating masterclass. During these sessions, they showcase their assignments either as solo performances or in ensemble settings, receiving invaluable tips and constructive feedback from their designated teacher.

What are the remarkable advantages of this unified curriculum?

  1. Accelerated Progress: Students make swift and steady advancements in their violin skills.
  2. Enhanced Motivation: A shared journey of learning fosters greater enthusiasm.
  3. Improved Discipline: Consistency in curriculum cultivates discipline.
  4. Joyful Learning: A common path creates a more enjoyable learning experience.
  5. Healthy Competition: Friendly rivalry inspires growth.
  6. Piano Accompanist Opportunity: Monthly opportunities to perform with a piano accompanist.
  7. Efficient RCM Exam Preparation: Easier and faster preparation for the RCM exams.
  8. Priority Access: Priority placement for masterclasses conducted by renowned violinists visiting from out of province when hosted by Nirvana Academy of Violin.

If you aspire to participate in these enriching masterclasses, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Your journey to violin excellence begins here!

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At the Nirvana Academy of Violin, students perform at 2 prestigious violin recitals every year.
Violin students who have passed their level 9 exam (practical, theory, counterpoint, harmony, and history)
Private lessons are offered for students age 4+. Lessons are offered in 45 / 60
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